DREAM is an extraordinary film. You’ve captured the pure essence of Burning Man. For those who have never been to Burning Man, if it is at all possible to feel the experience through layers of optical glass and pixels, you guys have managed that. For those who were there, you’ve brought back memories as vibrant and as incomprehensible in a way as the dreams we have when we are sleeping. How did the inspiration for DREAM come about?
Heather: Thank you, it is so exciting to hear that our vision has touched your heart! We experience Burning Man as the land of possibility and inspiration. As our society has evolved, many have lost touch with their creativity, and some have lost sight of their dreams. It was our dream to share this unique culture with the world in a way that would ignite people’s hearts and open their minds to all that is possible….essentially we wanted to inspire people to believe in their dreams again. Read More.... http://ignite.me/articles/artist-interviews/artist-interview-with-dream-producer-heather-hollander/#sthash.og6aOiqo.dpuf
For more info on the Earth Harp visit - http://www.massensemble.com Andrea Brook - http://yogagirl.com Violinist - http://www.onyaypheorimusic.com The Earth Harp visits San Miguel de Allende, Mexico on November 1-4, 2012, for the LA CALACA FESTIVAL For more information visit: lacalacafestival.com. Full Blog: http://www.prana.com/life/2012/12/02/earth-harp-la-calaca-festival-2012/
Nature. Yoga. Play. was introduced by Heather Hollander at the 2013 Wanderlust Festival, California. This dynamic experience brought the fundamental principles of yoga into nature for people to explore movement and breath in a playful way. Heather loves to remind people that yoga can be done anywhere and play is a valuable source of creativity and productivity. READ MORE...
Step into the gold for 60 seconds with Heather Hollander to de-stress and refresh. Take a comfortable seat, allow your hips to be heavy, extend your spine. Center your gaze on the golden light of nature and gentle sound of OM. Welcome long waves of breath into your entire body. Notice tension release as you Breathe Receive moments of Peace Allow Stillness TRT: 60 Seconds Camera: Rich Van Every Music: Steve Gold Download Music: http://stevegold.bandcamp.com/track/golden-om Golden Sunset: Lake Tahoe, CA
All too often, we think of yoga as something we need a mat for. That we need a 10-class card, a hardwood floor, and an experienced teacher to guide us through our 90-min practice in order to check 'yoga' off our to-do list. While none of that hurts, of course, we know that in our hearts yoga encompasses much more than that, yet we don't often indulge ourselves in something that feels like 'yoga' when we are in a different context than our home studio. Sure, it might feel a bit weird to do a sun salute in the conference room, or to travel to work in tree pose on the A train, but when was the last time you were on a hike and busted out your down dog to waggle your tail's "Hello!" to the sun and sky? Nature is the one canvas that practically begs for your yogic contribution, and at Wanderlust, we are fortunate to have Heather Hollander on duty to bring you into a state of mind where you can freely explore what your body is craving whilst soaking in the serenity of the outdoors in her 'Nature. Yoga. Play.' classes.READ MORE...
Today in our "7 Ways & 7 Days to Find Your True North" countdown, we bring you Heather Hollander, who leads outdoor adventures at #WLCA called "Nature. Yoga. Play", and who brings you one simple concrete tip you can follow to try to find your true north daily before the festival. READ MORE...
Have you ever felt a wild urge inside your being to unleash the unique superhero that lives inside?
Maybe this urge is so strong it feels like frustration…
Maybe it is gentle and nudges you in your dreams…
Maybe the stresses of everyday life are louder than the urge to break through…
If you have NO idea what I am talking about, I can relate.
Honestly, it was my beloved angel dog “Bodacious” (aka. Bodes) that finally got through to me. One day, when I was drowning in the physical and emotional challenges that had overwhelmed my reality, he changed my life forever.
I remember how helpless and disconnected from life I felt as I watched “Bodes” absorbed in play that day. He was pulsing with life force, absorbed in the magnificence of nature and adventure. I felt so separate from his experience; I was consumed by thoughts about how lucky he was to be a wild black lab instead of a human being facing the stresses of life